NetBeans IDE 8.0.2

Free A proven&polished Java developer's IDE. Also for HTML5,PHP,C/C++ based apps
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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NetBeans IDE (or Integrated Development Environment) is a leading IDE from Oracle Corp, primarily aimed at Java developers. It is suitable for the rapid development/deployment of desktop, mobile and web applications that may be based on Java (i.e. Java SE/Java EE/Java ME and related components such as Swing GUI,JUnit,JBoss etc.),HTML5, PHP & C/C++ platforms. NetBeans is truly comprehensive because it takes care of the complete life-cycle activities involved in a software project. Not only is it easy to type in new source code into its Java-oriented text editor, but also to run and test code, optimize it for best performance,release it under proper version control, and so on. Besides, it is an excellent tool to use in a networked environment. As for example,when a team of programmers works together on a project. The team-members may work from different geographical locations and/or at different times of day. In such case, all workflow related issues will be managed by NetBeans. JUnit, a component of the IDE, helps in writing and running unit test plans. NetBeans can handle practically any number of refactoring tasks without difficulty. If there are gaps between your specific requirements and the IDE, it is very likely that one or more of its over 800 third-party plug-ins will fit such gap(s) and make it a perfect fit for you. The IDE is self-contained, so that, when working in it, you will rarely (if ever) have to switch to any other running program to get your work done. more

RC Senior editor
Raju Chacko
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Comprehensive IDE-all parts of software development life-cycle are covered adequately
  • Supports latest Java 8 version
  • Well-documented. Extensive coverage of all topics
  • Adequate tutorials and sample applications available
  • Support from a world-wide community of enthusiastic and motivated users


  • Heavy on computer resources

Comments (49)

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Your vote:

rating Hafizur Rahman Omar
Good IDE

28 days ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(1) | Reply
rating Memo
Honestly, This is great opportunity to have this application it makes me analyze to any strategies and super thankful to the developers. We always say thanks a lot.

If someday it will spread the teaching this kind to creating app through this but don't know for the other who lazy or tired to learn.So, its up to them.

2 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Genesis Jacobe Dancil
its very good to use

2 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(1) | Reply

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